From the beginning of creation through the flood and great patriarchs, this study covers the book of Genesis in 13 Lessons. (134 pages, 8 1/2 x 11) Genesis Sample Lesson
Genesis Resource Disc – 9.99
This is a supplemental disc which includes items from each lesson that need to be copied for each student as a printable pdf allowing families with multiple children or churches to purchase one book per class. It does not include the lesson material.
The Book of Exodus – 14.95
The fascinating life of Moses, the despair of a nation of slaves, and the hope and salvation that are found only in the Lord are covered in this 13 lesson study of the book of Exodus. (140 pages, 8 1/2 x 11) Exodus sample lesson
Exodus Resource Disc – 9.99
This is a supplemental disc which includes items from each lesson that need to be copied for each student as a printable pdf allowing families with multiple children or churches to purchase one book per class. It does not include the lesson material.
The Book of Numbers – 14.95
Fiery serpents, a talking donkey, and the forgiveness and mercy of God are covered in this fascinating 13 lesson study of the book of Numbers. (134 pages, 8 1/2 x 11) Numbers sample lesson
Numbers Resource Disc – 9.99
This is a supplemental disc which includes items from each lesson that need to be copied for each student as a printable pdf allowing families with multiple children or churches to purchase one book per class. It does not include the lesson material.
The Book of Joshua – 14.95
Explore the conquest of Canaan in 13 exciting lessons. (140 pages, 8 1/2 x 11)
This is a supplemental disc which includes items from each lesson that need to be copied for each student as a printable pdf allowing families with multiple children or churches to purchase one book per class. It does not include the lesson material.
The Book of Judges – 14.95
A left-handed assassin, Abimelech and the two towers, Gideon and the 300, and much more are covered in this 13 lesson study of the book of Judges. (148 pages, 8 1/2 x 11) Judges sample lesson
Judges Resource Disc – 9.99
This is a supplemental disc which includes items from each lesson that need to be copied for each student as a printable pdf allowing families with multiple children or churches to purchase one book per class. It does not include the lesson material.
The United Kingdom, Pt. 1 – 14.95
This 13 lesson study covers most of the events in the book of I Samuel including Saul being chosen as the first king of Israel, David & Goliath, and Saul’s disobedience and downfall. (150 pages, 8 1/2 x 11)
This is a supplemental disc which includes items from each lesson that need to be copied for each student as a printable pdf allowing families with multiple children or churches to purchase one book per class. It does not include the lesson material.
The United Kingdom, Pt. 2 – 14.95
This 13 lesson study covers the end of Saul’s life and most of the events in the book of II Samuel including David becoming king, David’s sin with Bathsheba and his repentance, Absalom’s rebellion, and David’s mighty men. (135 pages, 8 1/2 x 11)
This 13 lesson Bible study covers the end of David’s life, the reign of King Solomon, and ends with a review of the entire United Kingdom. It is the 3rd and final installment of a study of the United Kingdom being a textual study of the end of II Samuel and the first eleven chapters of the book of I Kings. (148 pages, 8 1/2 x 11).
TheBookofProverbs – 14.95
This 13-lesson study covers topical lessons from the book of Proverbs such as family relationships, choosing good friends, managing money, our words, stubbornness, and more. (146 pages, 8 1/2 x 11) Proverbs sample lesson
Proverbs Resource Disc – 9.99
This is a supplemental disc which includes items from each lesson that need to be copied for each student as a printable pdf allowing families with multiple children or churches to purchase one book per class. It does not include the lesson material.
Women of the Bible – 14.95
From the familiar to the lesser-known, from the good to the bad, this 13 lesson study explores the lives and characteristics of seventeen fascinating women of the Bible. (174 pages, 8 1/2 x 11) Women of the Bible sample lesson
Women of the Bible Resource Disc – 9.99
This is a supplemental disc which includes items from each lesson that need to be copied for each student as a printable pdf allowing families with multiple children or churches to purchase one book per class. It does not include the lesson material.
Life of Christ, Part 1 – 14.95
Part 1 in the study of the Life of Christ covers His birth through His early miracles in 13 lessons. (136 pages, 8 1/2 x 11) Life of Christ 1 sample lesson
Life of Christ 1 Resource Disc – 9.99
This is a supplemental disc which includes items from each lesson that need to be copied for each student as a printable pdf allowing families with multiple children or churches to purchase one book per class. It does not include the lesson material.
Life of Christ, Part 2 – 14.95
Part 2 in the study of the Life of Christ covers the transfiguration through His resurrection and ascension in 13 lessons. (138 pages, 8 1/2 x 11) Life of Christ 2 sample lesson
Life of Christ 2 Resource Disc – 9.99
This is a supplemental disc which includes items from each lesson that need to be copied for each student as a printable pdf allowing families with multiple children or churches to purchase one book per class. It does not include the lesson material.
Parables of Jesus – 14.95
This 13 lesson study covers 20 parables of Jesus in depth. From the well-known to the more obscure, these parables provide wonderful lessons for us to learn. (150 pages, 8 1/2 x 11) Parables sample lesson
Parables of Jesus Resource Disc – 9.99
This is a supplemental disc which includes items from each lesson that need to be copied for each student as a printable pdf allowing families with multiple children or churches to purchase one book per class. It does not include the lesson material.
This is a supplemental disc which includes items from each lesson that need to be copied for each student as a printable pdf allowing families with multiple children or churches to purchase one book per class. It does not include the lesson material.
Book of Acts, Part 2 – 14.95 10.00
Book of Acts, part 2 covers chapters 15 through 28 in 13 lessons. (140 pages, 8 1/2 x 11) Acts, Pt. 2 – sample lesson
Acts, Part 2 Resource Disc – 9.99
This is a supplemental disc which includes items from each lesson that need to be copied for each student as a printable pdf allowing families with multiple children or churches to purchase one book per class. It does not include the lesson material.
The Titus 2 Woman – 9.95
Three short verses in Titus 2 speak volumes about who we are to be and what we are to do as a woman of God and how we are to pass these qualities on to the younger generation. This 12 lesson study covers the topics of building relationship with one another, holy living, loving husbands and children, being chaste, good, kind, submissive, a joyful keeper of the home, and more. It also includes helpful resources. (6 x 9, 125 pages)
Reflections on Women of the Bible – 12.95
This 13 lesson study focuses on the lives and character of several fascinating women in scripture and includes sections on cultural background, a connection to Christ, discussion questions, a personal application page, and more. As we reflect on the examples in this study, we also need to take a close look at ourselves and how we can become the women God created each of us to be. (6 x 9, 217 pages)
Purer in Heart – 9.95
What does it take to be purer in heart? This 13 lesson study for women explores the answer to that question by examining purity in every area of our lives including: purity in our thoughts, speech, religion, and more. May be used for personal or group study. Written by Heather Pryor (6 x 9, 174 pages) Reviews.
Heart to Heart: Devotional Thoughts for Women – 8.95
A compilation of articles written as a means of encouragement to live more fully for the Lord and as a reminder that we all face the same challenges in doing so. Covering topics such as contentment, time management, overcoming discouragement and more. Written by Heather Pryor (5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 128 pages)
Heart to Heart Kindle Version – 2.99
Kindle version of the print edition available at this Amazon link.
Heart to Heart: Devotional Thoughts for Women, Volume II – 8.95
Covering topics such as having a heart for hospitality, being a wise woman, getting more out of Bible study and how to get rid of ducks in your attic, this volume of devotional thoughts will serve to uplift, amuse, inspire, and encourage you. Written by Heather Pryor (5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 150 pages)
Heart to Heart, Volume II Kindle Version – 2.99
Kindle version of the print edition available at this Amazon link.
Hearts at Home Cookbook – 12.95
Our Cookbook is back! Featuring over 100 recipes and a special “Baking with the Bible” section, this collection of some of our favorite recipes will be sure to please. May your heart always be in your home and in all you do to serve those in it. (6×9, spiral bound)
Purer in Heart – 9.95
What does it take to be purer in heart? This 13 lesson study for teen girls explores the answer to that question by examining purity in every area of our lives including: purity in our thoughts, speech, religion, and more. May be used for personal or group study. Written by Heather Pryor (6 x 9, 174 pages) Reviews.
Journey to Jesus– 6.99
How a 14 day missionary journey to Honduras changed a young girl’s life. Written by Hannah Pryor. (6×9, 36 pages)
Ava’s Adventure – 7.99
Ava and her best friend Hannah are going on a vacation, but something will happen that neither of them ever expected… This chapter book is written on a 2nd-3rd grade level and helps teach children about the power of prayer. It is filled with delightful watercolor illustrations and includes activities at the end of the story for further learning and fun. (6×9, 55 pages)
Ava’s Adventure Kindle Version– 3.49
Kindle version of the print edition available at this Amazon link.
Animal Tales– 6.99
A collection of short stories about some interesting animal characters, the scrapes they get into, and the lessons they learn. Written and illustrated by Hannah Pryor (6×9, 34 pages)
Stories from Genesis – 7.99
Here are 13 popular TRUE stories from the book of Genesis written on a 2nd-3rd grade level with color illustrations throughout. Written and illustrated by Heather Pryor, (6×9, 58 pages). Click here for sample pages.
Heroes of the Bible, Volume 1 – 5.95
An audio series for children containing stories about some amazing heroes of faith in the Bible. Stories include Rahab and the Spies, Gideon and the 300, Jael and the Nail, Jonathan and the Philistine Garrison, David and Goliath, Queen Esther, and the Fiery Furnace. (7 stories, approximately 50 minutes total length)
Heroes of the Bible, Volume 2 – 5.95
More audio stories about amazing heroes of faith in the Bible. Stories include Shiphrah and Puah, Miriam Helps Her Brother, Joshua and the Battle of Jericho, Caleb the Giant Killer, Micaiah the Bold Prophet, and Naaman’s Servant Girl. (6 stories, approximately 42 minutes total length)
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I have been using your books for several years and just want to thank you for this strictly Bible based curriculum. The children in my Bible class are reading the Bible and learning it at a young age. My family worships at a small but biblically sound congregation in Oklahoma. My nine year old grandson is one of my students. He (and the other three students) know what polytheism/monotheism means, can tell me the 12 sons/tribes of Jacob (Israel), the meaning of manna and marah and SO much more!! I can’t thank you enough! Your sister in Christ, Donna
This may be too costly, but I think it would be great to offer flash cards of the review questions and memory verses for Growing Up in God’s Word Bible Curriculum. Even one for the subject matter and where it’s found in the Bible.
Ex: “Angels Announce the Birth of Jesus” on one side
The flip side: Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 1:26-38
Just a suggestion. 😉
I have a friend looking for Bible curriculum to use with her 6th Gr daughter in homeschool. She has her in the Abecca curriculum but Bible is slanted toward denomination. Theresa will be contacting you.
I love the layouts of these books! I have purchased several to aid me in breaking things down for my 4-6th grade bible class. The activities are simple and effective not requiring tons of prep like so many curriculums do. And of course I love the fact all the lessons are based from Scripture!
OUR GOD IS SO GREAT! I am so thankful you sent this message and we know you are well. You are such a lovely Christian lady and we love you so much. Thanks to our God for His love and care on your behalf.
Karen, I’m so thrilled about your teenaged girls class studying Purer in Heart! I pray the study will continue to be a blessing and encouragement to all of the girls. God bless you (and Ron) as you continue to labor so tirelessly for the cause of Christ.
Heather, I have to have at least one of everything!!! I have enjoyed, so much, teaching Purer in Heart to the teenage girls class at the West congregation in Hyderabad. I have about 16 teenage girls each Saturday evening (after they have gone to school all day). It has been one of the greatest experiences in all my years of teaching.
Thank you for sharing this, Donna. It is so encouraging!
I have been using your books for several years and just want to thank you for this strictly Bible based curriculum. The children in my Bible class are reading the Bible and learning it at a young age. My family worships at a small but biblically sound congregation in Oklahoma. My nine year old grandson is one of my students. He (and the other three students) know what polytheism/monotheism means, can tell me the 12 sons/tribes of Jacob (Israel), the meaning of manna and marah and SO much more!! I can’t thank you enough! Your sister in Christ, Donna
That’s a great suggestion! We will look into that.
This may be too costly, but I think it would be great to offer flash cards of the review questions and memory verses for Growing Up in God’s Word Bible Curriculum. Even one for the subject matter and where it’s found in the Bible.
Ex: “Angels Announce the Birth of Jesus” on one side
The flip side: Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 1:26-38
Just a suggestion. 😉
Hi Pat! We are doing well. Let us know if we can help in any way with placing an order. God bless.
Hi Heather
It’s me again…. I am placing an order for materials… Hope you and Paul are well!
Pat Owens
Thanks, Pat
I have a friend looking for Bible curriculum to use with her 6th Gr daughter in homeschool. She has her in the Abecca curriculum but Bible is slanted toward denomination. Theresa will be contacting you.
I love the layouts of these books! I have purchased several to aid me in breaking things down for my 4-6th grade bible class. The activities are simple and effective not requiring tons of prep like so many curriculums do. And of course I love the fact all the lessons are based from Scripture!
The layout of the lessons are very nice. Great material!! Keep up the great work!!
Very well written and understandable.
Thank you, Carol! Yes, we praise the Lord and give Him all the glory for this. It is great to hear from you and we love you too. Blessings!
OUR GOD IS SO GREAT! I am so thankful you sent this message and we know you are well. You are such a lovely Christian lady and we love you so much. Thanks to our God for His love and care on your behalf.
Karen, I’m so thrilled about your teenaged girls class studying Purer in Heart! I pray the study will continue to be a blessing and encouragement to all of the girls. God bless you (and Ron) as you continue to labor so tirelessly for the cause of Christ.
Heather, I have to have at least one of everything!!! I have enjoyed, so much, teaching Purer in Heart to the teenage girls class at the West congregation in Hyderabad. I have about 16 teenage girls each Saturday evening (after they have gone to school all day). It has been one of the greatest experiences in all my years of teaching.