God comes first –
- Malachi 3:10, Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and prove Me now in this, says the Lord of hosts. If I will not open the windows of heaven and pour out for your such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it.
- Proverbs 3:9-10, Honor the Lord with your possessions, and with the firstfruits of all your increase; so your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will overflow with new wine.
- Matthew 6:33, But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
- Work on being debt free – Proverbs 22:7, Borrower is servant to the lender.
- Have an emergency fund – Cash in savings account: minimum $500, aim for $1K
- Set up a budget – Dave Ramsey’s “Every Dollar Budget” – https://www.ramseysolutions.com/budgeting/guide-to-budgeting/Introduction (Free guide to setting up a budget, includes free forms to use)
- Trim the fat from your budget (See frugality/money savers)
Can you make it on one income?
- May require sacrifice (Family won’t feel deprived if your attitude doesn’t suggest that.) I Timothy 6:8, And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content.
- Prioritize – Discern between needs and wants
- Have faith! – God will always provide what you need. Psalm 37:25, I have been young, and now am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his descendants begging bread. Philippians 4:19, And my God shall supply all your need…
Frugality/Money Savers:
- Cut cable
- Cut subscriptions that nickel and dime you to death (Little things add up!)
- Utilize savings apps, bundle deals, rebates, coupons (Little things add up!)
- Eliminate car payments (Buy a cheaper, used dependable car outright)
- Shop quotes for better rates on insurance, cell phone plans, etc.
- Utilize library, friends, Youtube to learn how to do simple repairs yourself
- Haircuts at home (Plenty of Youtube tutorials!)
- Yard sales/thrift stores (Consignment stores have nicer items but are pricier. Thrift stores have better deals and several even have a half off all clothing sale one day a month. One of them in my area even has a rewards card that when fully punched gives me $5.00 off my next purchase.)
- Shop seasonal – At the end of each season, shop clearance items for gift-giving.
- Keep a “gift box” and add to it throughout the year. (Seasonal items, homemade items, new items found at yard sales and/or thrift stores)
- Think “homemade” – Soap, laundry detergent, teas, natural remedies, gifts, food
- Learn to sew buttons/mend clothing, hemming
- Eliminate eating out
- Trade/Barter services with friends/neighbors
- Gardening – Grow your own vegetables, herbs/flowers (used for teas, crafts, cooking, natural remedies, gift-giving, and decoration) Utilize flower beds, containers on porches, etc. You don’t need a large space to grow several things.
- Food preservation – Canning, freezing, dehydrating, or freeze drying (*Freeze dryers require a substantial up front investment but if used consistently will pay for itself over a few years’ time. They preserve food for up to 25 years.) Grow things to preserve or buy seasonal produce or meat on sale and can/freeze it.
- Frugality in the Kitchen – Rethink “scraps”
- 1) Bone broth from chicken carcass or beef bones
- 2) Make your own mixes (seasoning mixes, soup mixes, hot cocoa mixes, homemade bisquik, etc. – “Make Your Own Mixes” https://pryorconvictions.com/make-your-own-mixes-seasonings-syrups-soups-and-more/
- 3) Make a meal solely from what you can scrounge in your refrigerator, freezer, and pantry
- 4) Watermelon Rind Preserves/Pickles – https://pryorconvictions.com/watermelon-rind-preserves/
- 5) Peach Pit Preserves
Be Creative!
Family Time/Date nights –
- Picnics
- Movie/game nights (Free DVD’s from library)
- backyard/primitive camping
- Scavenger hunts – Indoors or outdoors (Creation themed for trips to zoo, parks, hikes: https://pryorconvictions.com/go-on-a-creation-scavenger-hunt/
- Free museum days/passes
- Hiking/nature walks at parks
- Free community events
- Themed dinners (Alice in Wonderland’s Unbirthday party, Murder Mystery Dinner, Movie Themed dinner, etc.)
- Puzzle tables – Set up at least four different tables and have a few pieces of a puzzle started. Let one person or a team start at each table. Set a timer for 15 minutes (or longer) then when time is up, switch tables.
- Trivia night – Make up questions that include family trivia.
Gift Giving –
- Baked goods
- Compile recipes for a family favorites cookbook (let kids illustrate)
- Homemade crafts
- Framed pics (use thrift store frames)
- Coupon book – (homemade) For services, time together, experiences, etc.
- Utilize talents/hobbies – painting, sewing, woodworking, needlepoint, singing, sketching, photography, etc. to make unique, one-of-a-kind gifts. Ex. Record a video of kids singing for grandparents; draw/paint a picture of family home.
- Special video “interviews” answering questions about favorite memories, etc. (We made a video for my Dad’s 75th birthday of “75 reasons why we love dad”. They were a mix of funny and serious, and he absolutely loved it.)
- Make homemade cards – Utilize rubber stamps (if you have them or pick them up cheap), paint, calligraphy, etc. Make homemade Christmas cards by cutting the front off of old cards you’ve saved and gluing them onto colored card stock to make a new card.
- Draw names for a project swap – Everyone in the family or your circle of friends lists a project they need help with such as painting a room, organizing a closet, rearranging furniture, etc. Assign a month for each name. As each month rolls around, everyone comes to help that month’s person with their project.
Homeschooling –
- Curriculum swap w/other moms
- Library
- Youtube (Great Courses, etc.)
- Family/friends who can teach skills
- Thrift stores/yard sales (books, educational games, curriculum, puzzles, educational items such as microscopes, telescopes, science kits, craft kits, musical instruments, etc.)
- Utilize free online educational content (w/caution, use a trusted/recommended source)
*Note for acquiring “pricier” items needed to save money such as a pressure canner or annual passes for kids’/family activities, etc. –
1) Look for deep discounts or special offers such as Black Friday deals.
2) Put on X-mas list for grandparents or family members to go in on together.
3) Consider earmarking a portion of tax refund or Christmas bonus money to purchase.
Check out more resources under our Keepers at Home tab: Recipes, canning, soapmaking, make your own mixes, teas, etc.